School District of New London
Contact: Scott Bleck
The School District of New London is located in East Central Wisconsin on the border of Waupaca and Outagamie counties. It covers 144 square miles in three counties with an approximate population of 18,000 and a tax base of just over one billion dollars.
The School District of New London serves approximately 2400 students. It is comprised of a white (90%), Hispanic (7%) and other (3%) student population. Bilingual programs are offered at Lincoln Elementary School, Parkview Elementary School, Intermediate/Middle School, and the High School.
Thirty-three percent of our district’s students qualify for free and reduced lunch and about 15% qualify for special education services. Poverty rates at individual schools include: Lincoln Elementary School = 48%, Parkview Elementary School = 38%, Readfield Elementary School = 19%, Sugar Bush Elementary School = 41%, Intermediate/Middle School = 39%, High School = 32%.
Highly Qualified Employees
The district employs over 325 full and part time individuals and is the third largest employer in the City of New London.
As Associated Press analysis of data collected for the U.S. Department of Education shows out of the 39 states reporting, Wisconsin was tops in the nation for having the most highly qualified public school teachers. According to the report, highly qualified teachers teach 100% of Wisconsin’s public school classes. “Highly Qualified” means that in core curricular areas, the teacher meets all of the requirements of state licensing and preparation laws. The School District of New London mirrors the state average of highly qualified educators. Contact Scott Bleck, District Administrator, with any questions or additional information on teacher qualifications.