Contact: Nicole Young
Rasasvada: perception of pleasure; in Indian philosophy, it refers to the taste of bliss in the absence of thought. Rasasvada means one gets a power of healing or a power of knowing the mind which gives enjoyment. “The bliss one feels when taking their first sip of tea….or stepping into a warm bath.” At Rasasvada we specialize in healing from the inside of your spiritual self out with self care and self love services, events and routines. Making peace with your past self to give your current and future self the gift of a joyous and successful future. We provide services such as meditation, reiki healing, spiritual healing baths, tarot and soul card readings, spiritual mentoring, among other evolving services. Our services can be done privately or in a group. We make our own specialty bath salts, body scrubs and ever evolving natural self care products. Nicole is also an artist and can collaborate with you on different art ideas you may be looking for. “My ultimate goal is for clients to work with me until they no longer feel they need me and then we transition into a supportive mentorship in hopes they can go forward in helping others in need of spiritual growth.”