New London United Methodist Church
Pastor Debie VanDanBoom
Here’s what you can expect if you come to worship with us:
Coming into the church from Pine Street there is a sheltered entrance where you can drive up to drop someone off at the handicapped accessible front door. Inside you’ll move past the church library, pastor’s office, and church office on the way to the sanctuary where worship services are held. The back of the worship area opens to Cottrill Fellowship Hall, where there is another handicapped accessible entrance/exit by the kitchen that leads to the parking/driveway on the north side of the building. Additional parking can be found in the lot at the west end of the building (from that entrance you would go up the stairs and down the hallway to reach Cottrill Hall and the worship area).
On Sundays you can usually find coffee, juice, treats, and people to talk to in Cottrill Hall before worship starts at 10:15 AM. Our worship service is about an hour long and is relaxed but traditional in nature. Most weeks we sing hymns from The United Methodist Hymnal and The Faith We Sing, accompanied by music from the pipe organ or the clavanova. A member of the congregation will lead parts of the service. You can use a bulletin or read prayers and responses as they are projected on the large screen at the front of the sanctuary. We do take time to pass the peace of Christ to everyone, and to share our joys and concerns for prayer. The pastor’s sermon will relate to whatever scripture readings are used in the service. The offering supports mission and ministry both locally and globally. After worship, people will chat over coffee, buy ‘scrip’ store cards and chocolate bars to support the mission of the month, and someone could invite you to join a group going to lunch at a local restaurant.
On Mondays worship starts at 6:30 PM. The praise band, RiverRocks warms up beforehand, and people come a little early to listen to the music or pray in the sanctuary, or stop in Cottrill Hall to buy ‘scrip’ store cards and chocolate bars to support the mission of the month. The atmosphere for worship is relaxed and casual. The words for the songs that we sing will be projected on the large screen at the front of the sanctuary. You can use a bulletin or read the prayers and responses as they are projected during the service. We take time to share our joys and concerns for prayer. The offering supports mission and ministry both locally and globally. The pastor’s sermon will relate to the scripture readings that are used in the service. And we end the service by passing the peace of Christ to everyone.
Holy Communion will usually be shared during the worship services on the first Sunday and Monday of the month. The United Methodist Church has an ‘open’ communion table – which means that you can receive Holy Communion even if you’re not a member of this congregation, or even our denomination. Christ invites you to the table, and we encourage you to accept that invitation.