New London Fast Break Club, Inc.
Contact: Terry Hoover
The New London Fast Break Club, Inc. (FBC) formed in the summer of 2004 as a committee of the New London Athletic Booster Club, and was later incorporated in 2012.
The purpose of the FBC is to promote and provide different levels of basketball opportunities to any boys attending a school (public, parochial or home school) in the New London School District.
The FBC is a youth program for boys in grades K-12 that was formed to teach the game of basketball and provide educational and competitive opportunities. Through coaches, the aim of the club is not only to teach boys the basic principles of the sport, but to instill the importance of teamwork, good sportsmanship and individual achievement. The most important aspect of the program is that the participants have fun while achieving these goals. The attainment of these goals is ultimately the responsibility of the coach. It is essential that coaches maintain a focus on the priorities and goals of the FBC program, bearing in mind that the program is for the players, not the parents or the coaches. The coach should emphasize that the most important aspect of the game is having fun while competing to win.
The FBC holds annual basketball tournaments as their main fundraiser for the club.
Everyone is encouraged to support the New London Fast Break Club, Inc. and all of New London’s youth basketball players.