Medina – Dale – Readfield Lions Club
Contact: Bob Truesdale
Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest service organization with 1.4 million members in 208 countries and geographic areas.
Forty-eight years ago, community leaders in Medina, Dale and Readfield determined the need for a club to provide service in the area; thus the founding of the Medina-Dale-Readfield (MDR) Lions Club.
Currently 22 members continue providing that service. Service projects include; Dictionaries for the 3rd graders at Readfield Elementary School; Adopt-a-Family (12 kids) and Christmas baskets and flowers for area shut-ins and elderly.
One-hundred percent (100%) of money raised by Lions Clubs is given away. A signature fundraiser for the MDR Lions is the sale of United States flags. The flags come in all sizes and are available at every MDR event. If you are having an event and would like us to be present and sell flags please let us know.
We also have traditional annual fundraisers including; a
Rose Sale in the spring, a Pancake Breakfast, a Chicken BBQ and we assist with the sale of wristbands at Appleton’s Octoberfest event.