Friends of the New London Library
Contact: Connie Jess Zolkoske
The Friends of the New London Library was organized and chartered on September 25, 2003, with the intent to be charitable and educational on behalf of the New London Public Library. The Friends support the library, foster an association of people interested in books and libraries, focus public attention on library services, facilities and needs, and receive and encourage gifts and bequests to the library. The Friends raise funds and use them for the benefit of the library. The main sources of income for the Friends are memberships and book sales. In the past, the Friends have purchased a refrigerator for the break room and a popcorn machine used when showing movies for which the Friends provide the movie license. The Friends support the summer reading programs by helping to supply the giveaways, and also provide funds for the Make and Take programs. The Friends have bought carts and totes for the library to use and provided signage for the library. The Friends are an important part of the efforts to raise funds to remodel the First State Bank building into the new library.