Emanuel Ev. Lutheran Church
Pastor Mark Tiefel
Emanuel Lutheran Church is a family of believers which enjoys sharing the Good News of God with our community. At Emanuel, we are connected to the message that God is with us, and that he gives each person a full life in Christ. Emanuel is a place where you can gather in worship, grow in your faith, and go to others with the good news of Jesus.
At Emanuel, we are committed to teaching God’s truth to all ages, and offer PreK – 8th Grade Christian education through Emanuel Lutheran School.
Visit our website for more information about worship, fellowship events, community efforts, pastoral care, and Christian education: www.emanuelnl.org
Pastoral Team: Mark Tiefel (Lead) – Marcus Schulz (Outreach) – Bill Heiges (Seniors)
School Admins: Bill Fuerstenau (Principal) – Michelle Dobberstein (Early Childhood)
Worship Times: Saturdays (5:15 pm), Sundays (8:00 & 10:30 am), Mondays (6:30 pm)
Growth Opportunities: Bible Study (All ages) Sundays at 9:15am – New Members Class Tuesdays at 6:00pm
Radio Broadcast: Sundays at 9am on WJMQ FM 92.3