Blue Gorilla Lounge
Contact: Joshua Flease
Blue Gorilla Lounge is a new church plant with an out-of-the-box approach. My target is for those who may not feel comfortable with church, or are looking for something different. My specific concern is for people who don’t feel good enough. Blue Gorilla Lounge is looking to produce a casual environment while delivering an impactful message of hope.
In the scriptures there’s a story of a woman going to a well to fetch fresh water. She went at mid-day to avoid others. She was ashamed of herself. Jesus sitting at the well asked her for water. This first was unusual because Jews and Samaritans didn’t get along. She even brought this up. Jesus also knew she was married 5 times and is with a new man that she wasn’t married to. This was why she didn’t come to the well with the rest of the women. She had shame. Jesus revealed he was the Messiah to her, a fact that he hasn’t revealed to anyone thus far, and she ended up bringing the whole town out to him.
Some people have comparable stories, and with just a new hope from God can have their whole world changed. In the scripture above, she went from shame to fame, and I believe there’s others out there stuck in shame that God wants to raise up. God’s not done with you yet!