American Legion Norris Spencer Post 263 and Auxiliary
Unit President: Tina Sommer
Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Legion Hall, 840 E. North Water St, New London, WI 54961.
The American Legion was organized nationally in 1919 following the close of World War I. The New London Post received their charter in 1920; the Auxiliary in 1925. The Post was named after Clifford Norris and William Spencer, two corporals who served in Co. D, 107th Supply Train, 32nd Division. Both were killed in action when their steamship, Tuscania, was torpedoed Feb. 5, 1918 off the coast of Ireland.
Local members first met above (Leo) Manske’s Tavern, now Bree’s Inn II. By the early 1930s the Post had acquired both land on the Wolf River and a building attached to the old Lincoln High School. The former training center was moved to the site and Legionnaires refurbished it, giving it the familiar log cabin look that lasted for the next six decades. This building eventually became The Waters Supper Club & Lounge when the Post and Auxiliary moved to its new clubhouse on E. North Water Street in 1998.
Both the Post and the Auxiliary have similar programs, working together in support of all veterans, current military, their families and youth. Helping with community needs and promotion of Americanism in the schools are also primary goals of both groups. Activities include school contests, poppy drives, an American Legion youth baseball team, pancake breakfast, chili and brat fry fundraisers, work trips to Camp American Legion, Badger State at UW-Eau Claire (boys) and UW-Oshkosh (girls), participation in school and community patriotic ceremonies along with many other events.