We want to hear from you! Nominate a business, organization or individual today!


The New London Area Chamber's Awards recognize the amazing accomplishments of our business community, service clubs and community members over the past year.


Awards will be presented at our Annual Awards Ceremony on April 7th, 2022, at Crystal Falls. 


Nominations must either own, be employed by, or be a member of a business/organization or civic club that is a member of the New London Area Chamber of Commerce (in good standing). Nominees must have demonstrated excellence in one or more of the individual award criteria listed below. See each award below for qualifying details. The member directory at www.newlondonchamber.com will provide details for all membership including when members joined the Chamber.


Nominations are accepted anytime throughout the year; but are requested 1/24/2022 - 2/10/2022. 

Voting will take place 2/11/2022 - 3/1/2022

If you wish to use a paper ballot, you can download one, HERE.

Please fill out each nomination category!

Past Year's Recipients: 2020 - Longevity Nutrition; 2021 - Festival Foods; 2022 - The Bottle Shop; 2023 - First State Bank; 2024 - Events Everlasting
The Business of the Year Award is presented to the business that has been a member of the New London Area Chamber of Commerce for a minimum of 1 year and demonstrates an economic enhancement to the area through increased employment, new products or services, or by increasing visitors to the area. Has distinguished themselves from competition through new technologies and/or social media Has provided exceptional assistance to other businesses. Has pursued educational opportunities for the purpose of the advancement of professional knowledge for self or employees. Promotes community involvement through; volunteerism, financial support and/or donations and assisting with local generous causes. Provides a needed or desired product or service to the area. Offers outstanding customer service.
Past Year's Recipients: 2020 - James Kelley; 2021 - Tracey Johnson; 2022 - Adam Kopitzke; 2023 - Kim Chonos & Team: 2024 - "Mooch" Barrington
The Chamber Service Award is presented to an individual who has been a member of the New London Area Chamber of Commerce for a minimum of 1 year and: Actively promotes the Chamber within the community. Has displayed superior leadership and efforts that have made a different in our area. Has made a significant donation of time and talent to the Chamber. Supports the mission and goals of the Chamber. Works with area businesses and/or organizations to help them achieve their goals.
Past Years Recipients: 2020 - Wolf River Art League; 2021 - The Washington Center Community Cupboard; 2022 – Most Precious Blood Resale Shop; 2023 - Mission of Hope House of WI, Inc.; 2024 - New London Lions Club
The Community Service Award is presented to a service club, civic organization, or individual who has been a member of the New London Area Chamber of Commerce for a minimum of 1 year and: Enhances a way of life. Enriches community image. Has demonstrated a deep and sincere caring for the area. Has initiated and/or executed a community enhancement project including follow-through, and provides a continued donation of time and talent to the Chamber.
Previous Years Recipients: 2020 - School District of New London; 2021 - Modern Cleaning Solutions, LLC; 2022 – NXT Level Ultimate Sports Complex; 2023 - Titan Conveyors; 2024 - First State Bank
The Excellence in Innovation Award is presented to a business or organization who has been a member of the New London Area Chamber of Commerce and: Has advanced working relationships within the business community. Has become a pioneer or leader in their field of operation. Has demonstrated significant or continuous growth in sales, service, and/or employees. Has developed a unique business concept. Has distinguished themselves from competition through: new technologies, superior customer service, and use of social media. Provides efficient and effective service.
Previous Years Recipients: 2020 - Wolf River Art League; 2021 - Casey Zempel; 2022 – The Bridge Thrift Store; 2023 - New London Police Department; 2024 - Mosquito Hill Nature Center
The Quality of Life Award is presented to a service club, civic organization, business or individual who has been a member of the New London Area Chamber of Commerce and: Creates a unique "experience" for community members and tourists. Draws people to our community for work or leisure. Initiates or participates in an event or campaign that creates a "sense of community". Provides a product or service that enhances our area. Significant improves the image, character, and social climate of the area.
Previous Years Recipients: 2020 - Crystal Falls Restaurant, Banquets & Catering; 2021 - Cozy n' Sweet Pop-up Candy Shoppe LLC; 2022 – Northern Belle Boutique; 2023 - Events Everlasting; 2024 - Walker Family Veterinary Hospital
The New Business of the Year Award is presented to a business less than 2 years old and/or is under new ownership within the last 2 years and is a member of the New London Chamber of Commerce, and: Demonstrates an economic enhancement to the area. Has developed a new market or niche. Offers outstanding customer service. Promotes community involvement through: volunteerism, financial support, and/or donations and assisting with local generous causes. Provides a needed or desired service to the community.
Previous Years Recipients: 2020 - Season Polsin; 2021 - Wolf River Art League; 2022 – Cornerstone Insurance Services, LLC; 2023 - Thern Farm; 2024 - Dragon's Den Bar & Grill
The Beautification Award is presented to a service club, civic organization, business or individual who has been a member of the New London Area Chamber of Commerce and: Creates an appealing environment for community members and tourists. Enhanced physical characteristics of property or "brand". Has done an interior or exterior renovation of property. Saw a need for a community enhancement and initiated and executed the change. Supports beautification projects through the donation of time and talents and/or a financial contribute.
Previous Years Recipients: (New) 2023 - Missy Porath & Becky Marquardt; 2024 - Brian Yerkey
The New London Chamber of Commerce is committed to supporting and facilitating education and business partnerships that promote student success, workforce development, and high quality of life for all residents learning, growing, working, and living in the New London region. We recognize that educators are the preparers of the next generation of community leaders and doers, and business/education partnerships are the models for success! Educator/School Personnel of the year nominations are open to all individuals who work with students in public or private school settings. Please share the name of your educator/school personnel of the year nominee and how they have inspired, supported, challenged, and motivated students and our New London school and chamber community.

420 N. Shawano St.

New London, WI 54961

(920) 982-5822
