We are one month out on starting our plant sale (we open May 12th). These little beauties are coming along very nicely. At this point we will NOT be doing online pre-ordering. Our website is through Square and they are going to start charging on May 1st & frankly it is not worth it for us to pay for it at this time. I think I will end up re-routing our web address to this page on Facebook for now. I will try & get that done by May 1st. I will start adding the peppers on the site though, so you will be able to see what we will have available. I am going to try & get everything added this week so you all can look to see what we will have.
Our next downtown planning meeting is on Wednesday, April 26th at 6:00pm in the council chamber at the Municipal Building. At this meeting we’re going to talk about and hopefully come up with a direction for street lighting and some of the other visual elements in the downtown for the 2024 reconstruction project. The cost for some of these elements are not cheap, so I’m really encouraging as many people and especially downtown business/property stakeholders to attend and be part of this conversation. For example we may end up not installing an architectural style light because of the cost, but if that’s the route we take I really would like some public dialogue at this meeting to be part of that direction. It will be a challenging decision for the council whether to go basic and save tax payer money or spend the extra finances on these visual improvements to give the downtown some personality. The council many times have commented that they would like to know what people think so this will be a great opportunity to be part of that development. We probably only have one chance for these exciting downtown changes in our lifetime so I’d like as much input on this discussion as possible. Feel free to pass the word to your downtown neighbors!
The Washington Center Community Cupboard, New London Lions Club and Kids From Wisconsin have partnered for an upcoming event "Forward Together from Stage to Table". This event will be held on July 6th.
To make this event successful we need a lot of help both before and during the event. That is why we are reaching out. We need you to make it a success.
Some of the things we will need help with are:
-Planning Activities for July 6th
-Work with local business to support
-Coordinating challenges between now and that day
-Gather info to share at event
And so much more, probably things we haven't thought of yet.
If you are interested in being part of a team or helping us find other team members please attend our upcoming meeting on Tuesday, April 25th at 6:00pm at the NL Senior Center behind the Washington Center, 600 W. Washington St. or call Michelle Campbell at 920-202-2518.
I’m proud to announce NLTF will be having neighbors and quite a few of them to our South. “Total Investment Properties II” is an building addition we have been working on vigorously for some time. Most of the new 10,800 sqft building is full and we are carefully choosing tenants who have reached out that best fits the area demographics. We are still considering our options. Having this place will be a huge success in bringing jobs and people to our community. I want to thank everyone and this amazing community in everyone’s efforts and work helping make this happen
Chamber Investors - do you have an announcement, advertisement, event, or just some good news to share?
Submit your information to via the submissions button by Friday to grab a spot in the next "Local Loop"!