Join us in welcoming another brand-new business to New London. Their grand opening is January 4th if you can’t make the ribbon cutting, please consider stopping them in and welcoming them to New London. Please be there before 12 p.m. if you plan to be in the photo.
Join us at Cruz Inn on December 19th for creating your own Christmas dinner table center piece filled with flowers and accessories. $25.00 a person and 25 spots available. All supplies will be provided. Includes appetizers and 1 free drink - Hot chocolate, coffee, apple cider (add a little spice if you wish) alcoholic and non alcoholic available for purchase.
Show off your bad taste in holiday sweaters Saturday, December 21st for a chance at a CASH PRIZE!! Grab your friends and enjoy holiday drink specials, music and games!
Join us December 22nd as the children of our congregation share the story of the Savior's birth in Bible recitations and songs. Services will be held at 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. in Emanuel's newly renovated historic sanctuary. Come early to enjoy pre-service music played by Emanuel's piano students. You may also attend the open Dress Rehearsal on Friday, Dec. 20 at 8:30 a.m.
If your business or organizaiton would like to submit information for future issues of The Local Loop, please use the submission button below!